William Byrtle Morris
This is the story about your great-great-great-grandfather "Papa" Morris who was murdered on February 24, 1955. He's the man in the middle of this picture. Sometimes his middle name is misspelled "Birtle."
I don't know much about him since he died before I was born. He was married to Miss Bennie Stanton in Navarro County, Texas on August 22, 1908. He worked very hard as a self-employed farmer. I assume he was a man of strong faith because at least two of his sons became ministers. I am also aware that the rest of this family had a strong sense of faith. One of his daughters was Hazel Hattie Morris who was your great-great-grandmother and the mother of my Dad.
Funny Story
When I was a teenager, I went to visit the Morris family reunion in Lubbock, Texas. The reunion was being held in a large park with several buildings. I wasn't sure which building to be in so I guessed. They were really nice people. They all claimed that I looked just like my dad. Some of the sweet women even brought me food to eat. It was a family reunion, just not MY family. Fortunately, I found the Morris family at the next building. Nice to know I have that backup family.
The Murder
This is not a made up story and it is brutal. If you are disturbed by horrible stories, move on.
One of Papa Morris' daughters had been married to James Herbert Witt for about 20 years. After 20 years of marriage and three children, they separated. I don't know what caused the separation. I almost always believe these things are never 100% the fault of one person.
Near the second anniversary of their separation, Mr. Witt drove to the Morris home and accused Pa Pa Morris of causing the end of his marriage. It is reported that Pa Pa Morris said, "I haven't done anything to you." Witt then shot Morris in the face with a Winchester rifle and quickly drove away.
Witt drove straight onto the lawn of his home (a short distance away) where he shot himself in the head with a 45 cal. pistol while still in the parked car.
One of the two sides reported that these two men had had differences of opinion before the shooting. The newspaper reports this was considered a murder/suicide.
A few observations
I can only make conjecture about people who are now dead and gone but,
I doubt Papa Morris and his daughter were completely innocent. The newspaper account states they had been separated for two years. She had already remarried a man in Houston by Sept. 7, 1953. That means she moved on pretty quickly and was married 7 months later. 7 months seems a very short time to have met someone new, relocate and marry after a 20 year marriage. Again. I don't know what went on.
Mr. Witt (the murderer) spent two years letting his bitterness and hatred fester inside him before he acted out in murderous rage. This murder occurs ominously near their wedding anniversary. His next act of suicide was also an act of violent hatred.
Don't Murder!
Why even say what never needs to be said? You might say, "I'll never murder anyone. I'm not like that." For Jesus, murder was about more than a crime of taking someones life. It's about the emotions we feel and the words we say. Jesus condemned hatred and name calling in addition to murder.
Matthew 5:21-22 NLT
“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’ [22] But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.
A Better Way
Here are a few memes I made for a different website. They are loaded with good information. I might even one day make it part of a future scavenger hunt.