Proverbs 2:4 NLT

"Search for them as you would for silver;

seek them like hidden treasures."

Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt

You can win!

One of you will win a $25 Amazon gift card

Here's how it works

The first one to correctly find and text me the answers to all 10 questions will be the winner. If nobody gets them all, I will select the best response or defer to my favorite grandchild.

If you don't know how I choose a favorite, you might want to learn. (That might be a clue to a question on a future hunt)
  1. Which city did great-grandma Davis go to for vacation?

  2. What did I say was great about great-grandpa Fish?

  3. How many times did I say Edison failed?

  4. What University is represented on Tabby's baseball cap?

  5. How many students are in the picture with great-grandma Davis?

  6. How many fish is Peepaw posing with?

  7. Who is the baby great-grandpa Fish is holding? You may have to ask someone.

  8. What color is great-grandma Davis' cup?

  9. What was wrong with great-grandpa Fish's boat?

  10. Proverbs 2:4 (at the top of the page) says to search for "them" and seek "them." What does "them" refer to? Name at least one.

Answers are now listed below.

If you found this page before I texted everyone about it; congratulations!

You have a head start on everyone else!

Be Grateful Today

I am thankful to God for so much today. Eight awesome grandchildren! It's so much more than I deserve. I love you to GN-z11 and back.

Go Cowboys!

Hoping for a Thanksgiving Day miracle win.

Congratulations to the J-Train!

He was able to beat his sister "Kit-Kat" by just 3 minutes. (I don't want to use your real names and risk compromising your identity. If you don't like your nickname, give me another one. They are new nicknames because I only know about the nickname Bubba aka J-Train.) I have one for all of you.